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    LYTE TRESSES™ Hair Growth Brush

    "My hair loss has been getting worse lately, and I found out that I would probably need laser light treatments for it. But then I discovered this product, which lets me do the laser light treatments I would need at home. I can tell everyone that this does work, it's easy to use and is helpful."

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ - SASHA M. 
    ✅ Verified Buyer


    Hair that is noticeably damaged or thinned can lack desirable body and volume, making it difficult to style in a beautiful and attractive way. A receding hairline or part line, created by damaged, thinning, or shedding hair can look alarmingly shaggy, unkempt, and unappealing. Over time, persistently thin hair can affect everyday life and cause self-conscious feelings of helplessness, discomfort, embarrassment, and defeat.

    Lyte Tresses™ hair growth brush is the premium hair loss solution that utilizes advanced therapies to support hair growth that is thick, healthy, and beautiful. Each Lyte Tresses™ features effective treatments including vibration, massage, and light therapy, that work to promote scalp health, prevent hair loss, and stimulate hair growth. Experience the beauty, freedom, and joy of having beautiful, voluminous, and enviable hair.


     PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH: Lyte Tresses™ brush, utilizes therapeutic laser light energy that targets hair follicles and increases blood circulation. This in turn restores the hair growth cycle, increases hair density, and promotes new hair growth

     BALANCING AND HEALING: The blue-light wavelength of Lyte Tresses™ has an anti-inflammatory effect and balances oil production of the scalp. Subsequently, this creates a soothing and regenerative process that reduces shedding and reverses the thinning process.

    ✅ REFINES AND REBUILDS: Red-light therapy wavelength increases blood circulation to the skin and boosts collagen growth. Lyte Tresses™ works by strengthening the hair root, restoring the hair growth cycle, and stimulating hair regeneration.

    PERFECT FOR ON-THE-GO: Lyte Tresses™ has been thoughtfully designed to be perfectly lightweight, compact, rechargeable, and, portable so sessions are never missed. To optimize an energized hair growth cycle, it is recommended to do 15 minute treatments, 3-4 times per week.

    ✅ EASY TO USE:
     The single button operation of Lyte Tresses™ is straightforward, convenient, and effortless to operate. Press once for vibration mode, twice for vibration/red-light therapy and three times for vibration/blue light therapy, to enjoy rejuvenated hair growth.

    We understand how uncomfortable and self-conscious we can feel when we are not 100% comfortable with the way we look. It can be frustrating having to choose haircuts and styles exclusively focused on hiding a thinning hair line. A recent study revealed approximately 40% of women will experience hair loss by the age of 50 and 80% of men will experience significant hair loss during their lifetime. 

    With Lyte Tresses™, take a deep cleansing breath and sigh with relief, to no longer face issues with dull, unhealthy, sparse, or thinning hair. The Lyte Tresses™ hair growth brush does more than enhance hairlines it provides beautiful reassurance, undeniable certainty, all while rejuvenating, balancing, and harmonizing the body. Enjoy all the lovely compliments and confidence that comes with flawless, show-stopping hair.



    Height: 7.1 in
    Weight: 1.65 in


    (1) X Massage Hair Brush
    (1) X USB Cable  



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    a 30-day RISK-FREE warranty.

    We understand buying items online can sometimes be a daunting experience and want you to feel certain that there is ZERO risk shopping at MUDD AND MISCHIEF.